Tuesday, October 28, 2008

squiggle two: 40 Q&A with Alonura

She surprisingly didn't ramble on as much as I thought she would. -squiggle

1. The phone rings. What is your ring tone?
>"What's a ringtone?"
2. Did you go anywhere yesterday?
>"Yes! I went to the courtyard with Litheramith. I broke my wrist. It was fun!"
3. Who was the last person you shared beds with?
>"... Umm!! I don't share beds with anyone!! I guess.... my sister, Niste, back in Surra. YEARS ago when we were new!"
4. Favorite drink?
>"Mmmm. Water and juice are my favorites!"
5. Does the person you like know that you like them?
>"I make sure people know when I'm upset with them."
6. Last time you talked to your mom?
>"I don't have a mother."
7. Where are you right now?
>"The Twisted Dwarf."
8. If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you?
>"I've never kissed anyone 'cept for Niste on the cheek! So yes. I love my sister."
9. Favorite gadget in the kitchen?
>"Ummmm... the frying pan!"
10. Favorite pie?
11. How is your hair?
>"It's doing well and thanks you for asking. *giggles* Actually, it's starting to grow out more!"
12. Where's the last place you walked to?
>"Umm... here. The Twisted Dwarf. Any long journeys were to those big rocks outside of Gypsy's Pub&Brewery and back to the castle."
13. Last time you had a sleepover?
>"Over five years ago."
14. Latest you stayed up in the past week?
>"I kept waking up a few nights ago. Does that count?"
15. What are you doing?
>"Reading another joke book and eating eggs with toast."
16. Have you been in a car accident?
>"What's a car?"
17. What is the last thing you said aloud?
>" 'Thank you'. "
18. Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list?
>"My what?"
19. What did the last text message you received say?
>"What's a text message?"
20. Last time you went to church?
>"I stay away from religion...."
21. Story behind your MySpace song?
>"My what?"
22. What's bothering you right now?
>"I'm thinking about all these things I need to work on as a squire. *sigh* And if I'm a ghost or not. *pout*"
>"I carry a brown bag, no wallet!"
>"Gold. They glow!"
26.Doing this weekend to come?
>"Training and studying. Nothing is planned formally."
>"My jeans and a shirt and boots! What else??"
>"To know if I'm alive or not."
29.Listening to?
>"The dwarves playing some card game."
30.What do you smell?
>"Alcohol and smoke."
31.Do you sleep naked?
>"!!!! No!!"
32.Do you like seafood?
>"Sometimes. In omelettes!"
33.Do you remember your dreams?
34.Do you consider yourself a study freak?
>"Yes!! I love to study, why would anyone call me a freak??"
35.Do you speak another language other than English?
>"No. I'm hoping I can learn some Drow or.. whatever it is Zekaneth and Verzion speak."
36.What did you do last night?
37.What do you hate?
>"I don't really hate anything, truly."
38.Orange or apple juice?
>"Oh, they're both so good!!!"
39.Who were the last people you went out to lunch with?
>"I've been eating in the pantry by myself."
40.Last thing you ate?
>"The toast and eggs I'm eating right now!"

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